Week of August 25, 2014
What are we doing this week?
Grammar - We will be learning about the different types of subjects and predicates. There are complete, simple, and compound subject and predicates!
Reading - We will continue to learn how Reading Workshop works. We will learn about our Reader's Notebook, the difference between fiction and nonfiction, and we will also look more closely and characters and the setting in a fiction book.
Writing - We are still working on our Hopes and Dream writing. We should finish this by Friday.
Math - We are in the middle of our Place Value unit. We will work on comparing large numbers and rounding numbers this week.
Science - We are changing the rivers that we made last week so we can see how our changes effect our rivers. We will also learn about different types of rocks and what happens when we rub rocks together.
Important Dates:
1.) Picture Day - Tuesday, August 26th
2.) Back to School Night - Tuesday, August 26th, 7:30 - 8:00, room 401
3.) Scholastic Book Orders are due Friday, August 29th